Diaspora (2013)

Concept & performance: Burkhard Körner
Advice: Felix Ritter


Ah, I carry my heart around with me like a northern land carries the germ of a southern fruit.

It pushes and pushes forth, and it cannot ripen.

(Heinrich von Kleist, 1777-1811)


This solo researches the themes of diaspora and exile by embodying gestures of lamenting and vocal subpression that lead to the recital of a Kleist text.


Premiere: April 4th, 2013 - De Theaterschool (AHK) Amsterdam


The german texts in the performance are quoted according to a letter by Kleist to Adolfine von Werdeck, dated 28. (29.) July 1801.

Recording on April 5, 2013 at the Theaterschool Amsterdam